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【Important!】7 Things You Shouldn’t Share with Others: Buddhist Teachings


【Important!】7 Things You Shouldn’t Share with Others: Buddhist Teachings

Introduction: The Power of Words and Their Impact

The words we use daily hold immense power. In Buddhist teachings, there is profound wisdom about how we should handle our words. Words are a tool to build relationships, but they can also be destructive if misused. What we choose to say or not say can significantly impact our lives and those around us.

In Buddhism, Right Speech (正語, shōgo) is one of the Eightfold Path’s principles, emphasizing the importance of using words correctly. This includes speaking truthfully, with kindness, and avoiding unnecessary or harmful speech. Based on these teachings, this script will explore the “7 Things You Shouldn’t Share with Others.” These are topics we may easily blurt out but should handle with care.

Chapter 1: 1. Your Plans and Dreams

Sharing your dreams and goals with others can sometimes provide encouragement, but from a Buddhist perspective, caution is advised. By sharing plans and dreams that haven’t yet materialized, the energy you’ve cultivated may scatter.

Buddhist Perspective:

In Buddhism, it’s taught that “words carry energy.” Dreams and goals are formless ideas, and when they reach the ears of others, that energy can dissipate, sometimes leading to unintended outcomes. Negative reactions or criticism from others may diminish your motivation or undermine your confidence.

Practical Tip:

When sharing your dreams or plans, limit it to a small, trusted circle, and cherish the time you spend nurturing those ideas within yourself.

Chapter 2: 2. Your Wealth and Income

Talking about your wealth and income can sometimes feel tempting, especially when we want to share our successes. However, Buddhism teaches us to avoid discussing such matters with others.

Buddhist Perspective:

Buddhism emphasizes avoiding attachment. Discussions about wealth and income can arouse envy or jealousy in others, which can lead to suffering for both you and those around you. Flaunting material success may disturb your own sense of inner peace as well.

Practical Tip:

By avoiding discussions about wealth and income, you can prevent unnecessary competition or tension and maintain a sense of inner peace.

Chapter 3: 3. Other People’s Faults or Weaknesses

Speaking about others’ flaws or weaknesses goes against Buddhist teachings. This isn’t just about gossip or criticism but also involves the significant responsibility that comes with our use of words.

Buddhist Perspective:

In Right Speech, using words that harm others is discouraged. Speaking about others’ shortcomings not only diminishes their reputation but also generates negative energy within ourselves. Buddhism values compassion and kindness, and by avoiding negative speech about others, we keep our own minds pure as well.

Practical Tip:

Instead of focusing on others’ flaws, try to look at their strengths or positive traits. This will lead to more peaceful and constructive relationships.

Chapter 4: 4. Your Good Deeds or Achievements

We often feel the urge to share our accomplishments or good deeds with others, seeking recognition. However, Buddhism teaches us to avoid boasting.

Buddhist Perspective:

In Buddhism, self-centered thinking and the desire for recognition (ego) are considered sources of suffering. When we boast about our achievements, we nurture unnecessary pride and competition. True virtuous deeds should come from a place of selflessness, with no need for external acknowledgment.

Practical Tip:

There’s no need to broadcast your good deeds or accomplishments to others. If you can feel proud of them internally, that is enough.

Chapter 5: 5. Jealousy or Hatred Towards Others

Feelings of jealousy or hatred can cause immense suffering in our hearts. When we verbalize these emotions, we only intensify the negativity.

Buddhist Perspective:

In Buddhism, jealousy and hatred are considered kleshas (mental defilements) that obstruct the path to liberation. Speaking about these emotions reinforces them and exacerbates the suffering within us. It can also create discord in relationships and negatively impact others.

Practical Tip:

When you feel jealousy or hatred, take a moment to reflect on why those emotions arose. Before expressing them to others, try to work through these feelings internally.

Chapter 6: 6. Other People’s Secrets or Private Information

Sharing someone else’s secrets or private information is a serious breach of trust. Buddhism strongly discourages such behavior.

Buddhist Perspective:

In Right Speech, revealing someone else’s private matters can create heavy karma. Keeping others’ secrets is crucial for maintaining trust and healthy relationships. In Buddhism, avoiding actions that harm others is a fundamental moral guideline.

Practical Tip:

Protecting others’ secrets and respecting their privacy deepens relationships and promotes trust. It’s also essential to avoid prying into others’ private lives.

Chapter 7: 7. Your Health Issues or Emotional Distress

Finally, discussing your health problems or emotional distress excessively with others can lead to unnecessary complications. While it is essential to confide in trusted people when necessary, it’s not always appropriate to share such matters with everyone.

Buddhist Perspective:

In Buddhism, over-focusing on health or emotional issues can lead to attachment. By dwelling too much on these matters, the problems can feel magnified, disturbing one’s inner peace. Additionally, talking about them might burden others unnecessarily.

Practical Tip:

When it comes to health or emotional issues, confide in trusted individuals or professionals only, rather than sharing with a broader audience to avoid adding to others’ burdens.

Conclusion: The Importance of Choosing Words Wisely

According to Buddhist teachings, words should be chosen carefully. What we say and what we don’t say can profoundly impact our lives. By understanding the 7 Things You Shouldn’t Share with Others, we can bring more thoughtfulness and compassion to our daily interactions.

Understanding the power of words and using them mindfully can help us build richer and more peaceful relationships. At the same time, it allows us to maintain a tranquil and steady state of mind within ourselves.

In this way, we’ve explored the 7 Things You Shouldn’t Share with Others from a Buddhist perspective. I hope this helps guide your communication choices and leads to more harmonious relationships and inner peace in your life.

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