

06 ドイツ生活 Life Lesson

The Courage to Take a Step Forward: Kūkai's Teachings on the Power of Believing in Yourself


The Courage to Take a Step Forward: Kūkai's Teachings on the Power of Believing in Yourself


In our daily lives, we constantly face various decisions and choices. Whether we are about to start something new or take on a significant challenge, doubt and anxiety often arise within us. At such times, what we need is the power to believe in ourselves. With this strength, we can face any difficulty and take that crucial first step. In this script, we will delve into how to cultivate the courage to believe in oneself, based on the teachings of Kūkai, a great Buddhist master.

Who Was Kūkai?

Let’s start by briefly discussing who Kūkai was. Kūkai, also known as Kōbō Daishi, was a prominent Buddhist monk during Japan’s Heian period. He is widely known as the founder of Shingon Buddhism, a school of Esoteric Buddhism (Mikkyo). His teachings offered deep spiritual insights and served as a source of support for many people, encouraging personal growth. Kūkai’s influence extended beyond religious realms—he also contributed to society through various projects like the construction of embankments and bridges.

Kūkai’s life itself was a testament to the power of believing in oneself. From a young age, he trusted his own beliefs, faced adversity, and chose his own path without being constrained by the expectations of those around him. His journey is full of lessons that resonate even today, teaching us the importance of self-belief.

The Importance of Believing in Yourself

One of Kūkai’s key teachings emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself. Often, we let external evaluations or other people’s opinions influence our actions. However, Kūkai taught the importance of looking inward and trusting oneself, without being swayed by outside factors.

According to Kūkai, believing in yourself forms the foundation for standing strong against criticism and challenges. This self-trust becomes the power that allows us to achieve big goals and overcome obstacles.

But how can we cultivate the strength to believe in ourselves?

Overcoming Doubt Through Practice

Kūkai faced many doubts and anxieties throughout his life, but each time, he strengthened his self-belief. Through a practice called “Sanmitsu Shugyo” (The Three Mysteries Practice), which harmonizes body, speech, and mind, he deepened his dialogue with his inner self and accepted his existence, which in turn fortified his self-trust.

This practice was not merely a form of spiritual training, but a way to engage in deep self-reflection. Similarly, by consciously reflecting on ourselves in our daily lives, we too can strengthen our self-belief. Rather than ignoring or dismissing our internal doubts and fears, we should accept them and learn from them, using them as stepping stones for personal growth.

Learning Self-Trust From Kūkai’s Way of Life

Looking back at Kūkai’s life, we see how he built his self-confidence. He didn’t choose the secure path of becoming a government official but instead entered the monastic life. Despite the expectations of his family and society, Kūkai held fast to his convictions, continuously overcoming challenges. His attitude of engaging in inner dialogue and standing firm against criticism and adversity exemplifies the significance of believing in oneself, no matter the situation.

One of the most remarkable episodes from Kūkai’s life occurred when, at the age of 31, he traveled to China to study the esoteric teachings of Buddhism, risking his life in the process. Faced with the hardships of training in a foreign land and the cultural differences, Kūkai never wavered in his belief in the path he had chosen. This episode stands as a powerful symbol of self-belief.

What You Gain From Believing in Yourself

Believing in yourself is more than just enhancing your sense of self-worth. According to Kūkai’s teachings, self-trust enables you to face criticism and failures without fear, rise to challenges, and achieve your goals.

Furthermore, strong self-belief has a positive impact on others and society. Those who learned from Kūkai’s teachings gained the confidence to trust in themselves, and as a result, they grew and succeeded in their own lives. In this way, believing in yourself not only benefits you but also has a ripple effect, positively influencing those around you.

Kūkai's Concept of "Sokushin Jobutsu"

One of Kūkai’s key teachings is the concept of “Sokushin Jobutsu,” which means “attaining Buddhahood in this very body.” Kūkai taught that everyone has the potential to become a Buddha within them, and through faith and continued practice, one can reach the state of Buddhahood.

This teaching serves as a guiding principle for overcoming doubts and fears in our daily lives and striving for personal growth. By believing in our inner strength and persistently working toward our goals, we can pave the way to enlightenment and success.

Applying Kūkai's Teachings in Real Life

Kūkai’s teachings are not merely religious; they also offer concrete methods for overcoming real-life challenges. For example, through his social contributions, such as the construction of embankments and bridges, Kūkai demonstrated how his beliefs translated into action, impacting society at large.

Similarly, in our daily lives, we can practice Kūkai’s teachings and nurture the power to believe in ourselves. Taking even a small step forward can lead to significant changes and personal growth over time.


The power to believe in oneself, as taught by Kūkai, serves as a crucial support for overcoming the doubts and fears we face in our everyday lives. By trusting in our inner strength and taking that first step forward, we can carve out a brighter future.

Just as Kūkai’s teachings inspired many to believe in themselves and grow, we too can influence those around us positively by cultivating and maintaining self-trust. Following the wisdom of Kūkai, let’s work on building our inner strength and learning to take courageous steps forward in life.



-06 ドイツ生活, Life Lesson

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