

06 ドイツ生活 Life Lesson

To Those Who Give Without Receiving: Kūkai Teaches Us the Profound Essence of Altruism | Buddhism


Title: To Those Who Give Without Receiving: Kūkai Teaches Us the Profound Essence of Altruism | Buddhism

Introduction: Kūkai and the Teachings of Altruism

Kūkai, a great monk of the Heian period in Japan and the founder of the Shingon school of Buddhism, taught us the profound significance of "giving without receiving." His deep practice and wisdom conveyed the essence of altruism, showing us the importance of giving selflessly. In this script, we will explore the core of Kūkai’s teachings on altruism and examine how we can apply them to our daily lives.

Altruism is the mindset of acting for the happiness of others without seeking personal gain. This teaching is deeply rooted in Buddhism, and Kūkai particularly emphasized the importance of "selfless service." Through his teachings, we learn how to let go of self-centered thinking and experience a more fulfilling life by bringing joy to others.

Chapter 1: The Life of Kūkai and His Background

To understand Kūkai’s teachings, we first need to briefly look at his life. Born in 774 in Sanuki Province (modern-day Kagawa Prefecture), Kūkai showed an early interest in Buddhism and traveled to Tang China to study. There, he learned the profound teachings of Esoteric Buddhism and, upon his return, devoted himself to spreading these teachings in Japan.

At the heart of Esoteric Buddhism lies the idea that those who attain enlightenment should strive to help others. Kūkai embodied this spirit of altruism throughout his life, influencing many people with his actions. His efforts to initiate the Shikoku Pilgrimage and build roads and bridges for the common people are prime examples of his altruistic nature. From his actions, we can learn that true altruism is not just a theory but is manifested in concrete deeds that help others.

Chapter 2: Altruism in Buddhism

In Buddhism, altruism is a central teaching. Buddha himself preached that we should approach all living beings with compassion, but Kūkai took this teaching even further. He emphasized living as a "bodhisattva"—a person who seeks their own enlightenment while also striving to save others.

A particularly important concept in Kūkai’s teachings is "the three mysteries" (sanmitsu): actions of body, speech, and mind. According to Kūkai, true altruism comes from benefiting others through these three modes of conduct. The practice of the three mysteries shows us how we can help and serve others in our daily lives. For example, using kind words (speech) to encourage others, taking actions (body) to assist those in need, and fostering compassion (mind) toward others.

Chapter 3: The Challenges of Practicing Altruism

While altruism is a noble goal, it is not always easy to practice. Especially in modern society, where self-centered values are often emphasized, giving without expecting anything in return can be difficult. Yet, Kūkai provides us with ways to overcome these challenges.

One key aspect of his teaching is to "let go of attachment." Attachment leads us to be self-centered, and it can hinder the practice of altruism. For instance, when we give something to someone, we may expect something in return. Kūkai teaches that true altruism lies in letting go of this expectation of reciprocation.

Another difficulty in practicing altruism is the challenge of "selfless service." In today’s world, where efficiency and results are often prioritized, serving others without any personal gain may seem meaningless. However, Kūkai teaches us that the act of service itself holds great value, regardless of the results. By integrating this mindset into our daily lives, we gradually realize that serving others leads to personal growth as well.

Chapter 4: Helping Others as a Path to Self-Salvation

According to Kūkai’s teachings, helping others ultimately leads to saving oneself. This may seem paradoxical, but from a Buddhist perspective, it makes perfect sense. By helping others, we experience a sense of fulfillment and happiness far greater than merely pursuing personal gain.

Moreover, by giving to others, we can diminish our own ego, which in turn frees us from self-centered thinking. Kūkai described this process as "infinite giving." In other words, there is no end to giving, and the act of giving itself continually enriches our hearts.

This concept can be particularly useful in today’s stressful world. When we engage in selfless acts of service for others, our own worries and anxieties gradually become lighter.

Chapter 5: The True Happiness that Altruism Brings

By practicing Kūkai’s teachings, we can achieve true happiness. The essence of altruism is the "mutual happiness" that comes from giving to others and experiencing joy together. This is not mere self-satisfaction but rather the joy that comes from building deep connections with others and growing together.

Altruism is also a key to feeling connected with society and escaping the loneliness many of us experience. Kūkai emphasized the Buddhist truth that "no one can live alone" and taught the importance of cherishing relationships with others. By incorporating his teachings into our daily lives, we can feel a deeper connection with others and free ourselves from feelings of isolation and alienation.

Conclusion: Bringing Kūkai’s Teachings into Everyday Life

Kūkai’s teachings on altruism are not just theoretical but demand practical application in everyday life. By giving selflessly to others, we save ourselves and attain true happiness.

In today’s society, where self-centered values are often emphasized, practicing Kūkai’s teachings can lead us to a richer, more fulfilling life. Altruism is the key to caring for others and feeling connected with society. Starting today, let us all practice Kūkai’s teachings, giving joy to others and walking together toward a happier life.



-06 ドイツ生活, Life Lesson

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