

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

What You Should Do Instead of Just Effort: Buddha's Way to a Regret-Free Life


What You Should Do Instead of Just Effort: Buddha's Way to a Regret-Free Life

Everyone, how much effort have you put in until now? We have been taught to keep striving for success, even while feeling our limits. But let's pause for a moment and consider: Is "effort" truly the key to success? Perhaps we have misunderstood the essence of effort. Today, we will explore two stories that illustrate what is more important than effort.

The first story teaches us about the importance of focusing on our inner peace, rather than just hard work. This story conveys the lesson of regaining what we often lose sight of by drowning in effort.

Once upon a time, a young monk visited his master, burdened with dissatisfaction. He sighed and said, "Master, I can no longer stay in this temple." The surrounding monks are engrossed in politics and gossip, making it impossible for me to continue my spiritual practice. Please allow me to go to a more peaceful and quiet place."

The master listened quietly and asked, "Why do you think that? Is there something specifically wrong with this temple? What exactly has happened?" The young monk, unable to suppress his feelings, continued, "The monks here are too caught up in politics and power struggles. There are constant slanders about me and the other monks, and some are simply indulging in gossip every day. In such an environment, I cannot continue my practice. Please send me to a peaceful temple."

The master, after a moment of silence, nodded gently and said, "I understand. I will send you to a peaceful temple. But first, I have one request. I want you to take this spoon filled with water and walk around the temple without spilling a single drop. If you can do that, I will keep my promise and send you to a peaceful place."

The young monk followed his words, carefully gazing at the spoon, and began to walk around the temple. He concentrated all his attention on not spilling the water, completely focused on the task at hand. After several hours, he returned to the master with a smile. "Master, I did it! I walked around the temple without spilling a single drop. Please send me to a peaceful place as promised."

The master smiled quietly and said, "I will send you as promised. But first, tell me: while you were walking, did you hear any discussions about politics from the other monks, or did anyone speak ill of you or me?" The young monk thought for a moment and replied, "No, Master. I was so focused on not spilling the water that I didn't notice anything else."

The master nodded with satisfaction. "That's right. When you are fully concentrated on your goal, you are not disturbed by the noise and meaningless words of others. No matter where you go, you will encounter unfriendly people. What matters is not to let their words and actions take over your mind. If you concentrate on your goals and purpose, their words become mere noise. Wherever you go, you may meet an environment or people that make you want to escape, but if you can find happiness within yourself here and now, you will be able to feel the same happiness wherever you go. It is essential to focus on your own life and move forward without being influenced by others."

This story carries a deep lesson. Many people tend to seek new places to escape from the difficulties and frustrations in front of them. However, the true issue lies not outside but within our own hearts. As long as our hearts are not at peace, we will face the same problems no matter where we go. No matter how quiet the place, if we lack inner peace, it doesn’t matter whether the external environment is calm.

In this world, there are countless things that do not go our way and many frustrations about others' words and actions. Efforts to change that often prove meaningless and can become a source of disturbance for our hearts. What is important is not to become overly sensitive to others' actions but to continue focusing on our own goals.

Moreover, we should be wary of the common belief that effort alone leads to rewards. Of course, effort is vital, but if we become too caught up in the effort itself, we risk losing sight of the true purpose. Instead of depending solely on effort, we must look within ourselves and maintain our composure in any situation. This is what truly brings success and peace.

This story teaches us the limits of mere effort. The important thing is to walk your path quietly yet surely, undisturbed by the surrounding noise. Seeking refuge in the environment or others will not lead to true growth and happiness; the key lies in finding tranquility within ourselves. Reflect on your efforts and how to progress towards your goals without being misled by external noise. There are issues that cannot be solved by effort alone, and realizing this will be the first step toward attaining true strength and peace.

The next story reveals another valuable lesson about what is more important than effort. We often try to control our minds forcibly, but what we might need to find peace is to let go of that effort and simply observe the flow of our thoughts.

Once, a man seeking peace of mind visited a master. He was tormented by anxiety and agitation, struggling with a tumultuous mind. Thoughts swirled around his head like a storm, preventing him from focusing on anything.

"Master, my mind is unmanageable. No matter how hard I try, my thoughts do not cease, and I can’t focus on anything. Please teach me a special mantra that can save me," he implored.

The master gazed at the man for a moment and replied calmly, "First, begin to meditate. The waves of your mind will eventually calm, like ripples settling in a windless lake." Although the master's words were calm, they did not resonate with the man.

He immediately retorted, "I have tried meditating, but my mind only grows more chaotic. Rather than quieting, my thoughts multiply, and negative ideas flood in. Please teach me another way; a mantra must be the answer."

The master smiled again, saying, "Meditation can be like that at first. The thoughts that have been sleeping in your mind will surface and stir. It is important not to be afraid and to continue." Eventually, the waves will settle, and the mind will become as calm as a mirror. However, the man grew increasingly anxious, saying, "Meditation does nothing for me. Please give me a special mantra. It must help my mind to be quiet."

The master thought for a moment, and finally said, "I will give you a special mantra. However, you must not think of a monkey while you chant it. If you do, the mantra will lose its power." The man was surprised, but confidently replied, "Master, I have never thought of a monkey. That won't be a problem; I will faithfully chant the mantra."

The man deeply thanked the master and hurried home to start chanting the mantra. However, the moment he began to chant, the master's warning about not thinking of a monkey echoed in his mind. A vivid image of a monkey appeared before him.

He tried hard not to think of the monkey, but the more he resisted, the stronger the image became. All day long, the monkey ran rampant in his mind, and no matter how much he chanted the mantra, the monkey's presence would not leave him. Eventually, even the faces of his family and friends began to resemble that of a monkey, and he could no longer control his mind.

The next morning, the man rushed back to the master, pleading, "Master, I cannot get the monkey out of my head. Please save my mind!" The master listened quietly and smiled gently, saying, "Then stop chanting the mantra. Just sit quietly and observe your mind. Do nothing forcibly; just be as you are."

Following the master's instruction, the man relaxed and sat still. Gradually, the image of the monkey faded away and eventually vanished, bringing calm to his mind. The master said softly, "Do not try to control your mind forcibly. The more you force it, the more it resists. Observe your thoughts without attachment and accept them as they are; your mind will naturally calm."

This story contains profound lessons. Our minds are like monkeys, constantly moving and elusive. We often try to suppress or control our thoughts and emotions in our daily lives. However, to maintain peace of mind, we need not only effort but also the ability to observe our thoughts.

By observing our thoughts without becoming entangled and accepting them without attachment, our minds will naturally settle. In today's society, which is overflowing with information and stress, many believe they must exert effort to achieve something. Yet, effort alone cannot bring about inner peace. To truly attain peace of mind, we must continue to observe our thoughts and feelings as they are, rather than suppressing them.

Reflect on how you engage with your thoughts through this story. Cultivating the power of observation, not just effort, is key to achieving inner peace. And meditation is essential for practicing this. Discover the hidden truths of your mind through meditation.

What these two stories teach us is that life is not just about making an effort. It is crucial to look within ourselves, free from the influence of the external environment and the words of others, to discern what truly matters to us. This is what is more important than mere effort.

Understanding our hearts and achieving a deeper understanding of ourselves is the key that opens the door to true success and happiness.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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