

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

The One Thing You Should Truly Value in Life [Buddha's Teachings]


The One Thing You Should Truly Value in Life [Buddha's Teachings]


In life, we face countless choices, and it’s often hard to know what to prioritize or truly value. The busyness of daily life and the expectations of others can lead us to lose sight of what really matters. However, Buddha’s teachings remind us that "the one thing that truly matters in life" is surprisingly simple. In this script, we’ll explore this profound teaching and embark on a journey toward inner peace and happiness.

Losing Sight of What’s Important in Modern Life

Today’s world places a heavy burden on us with responsibilities at work, at home, and in relationships. On top of that, the constant flow of information from social media and other platforms keeps our minds perpetually busy. This can make it difficult to identify what we truly value or need.

Buddha taught that "most of our suffering stems from attachment." This attachment could be the desire for success, the need for others’ approval, or being tied to an idealized version of ourselves. These attachments rob us of mental freedom and prevent us from recognizing what is truly important.

Discovering the One Truth

What is it that we should truly value in life? To answer this question, let us turn to a teaching from Buddha and a story that illustrates it.

One day, a disciple asked Buddha, “What should we aim for and hold dear in life?” Buddha, smiling gently, replied, “The answer lies within your heart. Don’t search for it in the outside world; instead, reflect on yourself.”

The disciple, puzzled by this, pressed further. “My heart is filled with anxiety and confusion. How can I find the answer amid such turmoil?” Buddha responded, “That anxiety and confusion are your compass. Rather than rejecting them, take time to understand and embrace them.”

The Power of Meditation

Following Buddha’s guidance, the disciple began meditating. Initially, his mind was restless, overwhelmed with past regrets and future worries. However, by focusing on his breath and heeding Buddha’s advice, he gradually calmed his mind and began to see himself more clearly.

Through meditation, the disciple realized, “I have been clinging to the need for validation from others, and in doing so, I’ve lost myself.” This insight lightened his heart and allowed him to begin appreciating the present moment.

Living in the Present Moment

Buddha’s teachings emphasize the importance of living in the present moment. Too often, we dwell on the past or worry about the future, neglecting the here and now. True happiness is not somewhere in the distant future; it exists in this very moment.

Buddha said, “Cherish each moment, for it is the accumulation of these moments that enrich your life.”

Consider the story of a traveler who spent years seeking treasure atop a distant mountain. When he finally reached the peak, he found nothing. Disheartened, he encountered a monk who said, “The treasure you seek is not here; it lies in the landscapes you admired and the connections you made along the way.”

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is another key to a fulfilling life. In the hustle of daily life, we often overlook the blessings we already have. Yet, practicing gratitude can transform our perspective.

When we express thanks for daily meals, acts of kindness, or small successes, our hearts feel fuller, and our sense of happiness increases. Gratitude frees us from attachment and helps us appreciate what is already present.

Embracing Impermanence

At the heart of Buddha’s teachings is the concept of “impermanence.” Accepting that everything is in constant flux is crucial for attaining peace of mind.

Many of us long for eternal happiness or unchanging circumstances. However, change is inevitable. Embracing this truth liberates us from attachment and grants us a sense of inner freedom.


The one thing you should truly value in life is “cherishing the present moment” and “cultivating gratitude.” To achieve this, it is essential to embrace impermanence and let go of attachment.

Buddha’s teachings remind us that happiness is not found in the external world but within ourselves. In your busy days, take a moment to pause and listen to your inner self. There, you will find what truly matters.

I hope today’s message brings a little more richness to your life.

Thank you for reading until the end.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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