

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

How to Freely Withdraw Money from the Universe Bank: Attract Unlimited Wealth in 3 Simple Steps


Title:How to Freely Withdraw Money from the Universe Bank: Attract Unlimited Wealth in 3 Simple Steps

Hello. Today, I have an essential topic to share with you: “How to Freely Withdraw Money from the Universe Bank.” If you’ve ever thought, “I wish I had more money,” “I want to improve my financial luck,” or “I want to eliminate financial anxiety,” this video could be the turning point in your life.

In this post, I will explain the structure of the Universe Bank and share three practical steps to access it. By following these methods, you can transform yourself into someone who naturally attracts money, leading to a secure and carefree life. On the other hand, if you’re unaware of the Universe Bank, you might miss out on opportunities and resources that could have been yours.

You might wonder, “Isn’t this just a dream-like concept?” But what I’m about to share isn’t overly spiritual. It’s grounded in practical and scientific methods. So, please watch until the end to learn more.

What Is the Universe Bank?

First, let’s discuss what the Universe Bank really is. Surprisingly, the concept is simple. The Universe Bank refers to your subconscious mind. Every day, we make an enormous number of choices without realizing it. Research shows that humans make up to 35,000 decisions daily, with over 90% of them happening unconsciously. This unconscious part is what we call the subconscious mind.

Imagine if you could harness this subconscious mind and redirect it toward your desired outcomes. This could transform your reality from negative to positive. By leveraging this mechanism, the Universe Bank allows you to attract abundance and wealth into your life.

Step 1: Create a List of What You Have

The first step is to create a “List of What You Have.” This simple exercise is crucial for shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

Grab a piece of paper and a pen, and start listing everything you currently have. For example, your health, a home to live in, family, friends, and hobbies. Even the smallest things matter—what you might take for granted are actually significant blessings.

By doing this, you’ll realize how much you already have. This mindset shift helps you believe, “If I’ve been given so much already, why wouldn’t I also be given money?”

Step 2: Clearly Define and Receive the Amount You Want

Next, set a specific monetary goal and imagine yourself receiving it. To make this tangible, create a receipt addressed to the Universe Bank.

Here’s what to include on the receipt:

  1. Date (when you want to receive the money)
  2. Payee (Universe Bank)
  3. Amount (the desired sum)
  4. Purpose (what the money will be used for)
  5. Signature (as proof of receipt)

Keep this receipt in a safe place. The key is to write down an amount that feels realistic and imaginable. For instance, instead of imagining billions, start with an amount you can clearly visualize using. This step is essential for success.

Step 3: Take Actions That Spark Joy

The final step is to take actions that genuinely excite you. This communicates to your subconscious that you’re ready to receive abundance.

For example, pursue hobbies, learn new skills, or help others. The specific actions don’t matter as long as they bring you joy. These actions will raise your vibrational energy, enhancing your ability to attract wealth from the Universe Bank.

Why You Might Struggle to Withdraw from the Universe Bank

If you’ve followed these steps and still haven’t seen results, it may be due to subconscious “blocks” about money. These can include beliefs like “money is dirty” or “money only comes through hard work,” which unconsciously limit your actions.

To overcome this, start by forgiving yourself. Tell yourself, “I deserve to receive money,” and accept this truth. Next, adopt the belief that having money is a positive thing that can lead to happiness for yourself and others.


By following these three steps, you can become someone who naturally attracts wealth:

  1. Create a List of What You Have.
  2. Clearly Define and Receive the Amount You Want.
  3. Take Actions That Spark Joy.

With consistent effort, you’ll eliminate financial worries and achieve a fulfilling, abundant life.

Start today, and you’ll find that not only money but also your entire life will become richer.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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