

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

How to Be Happy Even in Old Age, Illness, Poverty, and Loneliness: Lessons from Buddhism


How to Be Happy Even in Old Age, Illness, Poverty, and Loneliness: Lessons from Buddhism

Hello. Today, our topic is "How to Be Happy in Any Circumstance." Drawing from Buddhist teachings, we’ll delve into how to find happiness even amid life’s toughest challenges.

Exploring the Essence of Happiness

For many, "happiness" might conjure images of good health, being surrounded by family, financial stability, or achieving success. However, Buddhism teaches that such "happiness" depends on external conditions and is ultimately fleeting.

For instance, a sudden illness, the loss of a loved one, or even a change in weather can make our happiness disappear in an instant. This shows how fragile and impermanent the happiness we pursue can be.

So, what kind of happiness does Buddhism advocate? It’s a form of happiness rooted in "the benefits of Amida Buddha’s boundless compassion," also known as "Seshufusha no Rieki." Let’s explore this profound teaching.

What Is "Seshufusha no Rieki"?

"Seshufusha" refers to the unconditional and unending compassion of Amida Buddha, which saves us from our fears and sufferings. This happiness is not derived from external conditions but stems from an inner sense of absolute peace.

Even when faced with aging, illness, poverty, or loneliness, this happiness remains unshaken. The beauty of this teaching is that it is universal—available to all without exception, regardless of circumstances or background.

Shinran Shonin, a revered Buddhist figure, declared, "This happiness can be experienced in this lifetime." It’s not reserved for an afterlife but can be attained here and now.

Transcending Life’s Uncertainties

Buddhism compares life to "walking on thin ice." Our existence is precarious, like treading on a fragile surface that could crack at any moment. Health, wealth, and relationships can vanish unexpectedly, leaving us vulnerable.

Shinran Shonin himself experienced profound loss, losing his parents at a young age. Yet, through the teachings of Seshufusha no Rieki, he transcended his fears and found absolute happiness.

The Buddhist path encourages us to cultivate an "unwavering inner peace" rather than relying on external stability. This is the key to overcoming life’s uncertainties and discovering true happiness.

The Importance of "Listening Deeply"

How can we attain the benefits of Seshufusha? Shinran Shonin emphasized the practice of "long listening" or Chomon. This involves not just hearing but deeply understanding Buddhist teachings and applying them to everyday life.

Chomon isn’t a one-time effort; it’s a lifelong journey of reflecting on teachings, internalizing their wisdom, and living them out. Through this process, the benefits of Seshufusha take root in our hearts.

Overcoming Aging, Illness, Poverty, and Loneliness

Aging, illness, poverty, and loneliness are challenges that most of us will face. However, rather than viewing them negatively, Buddhism encourages us to see them as opportunities for growth and insight.

For example, loneliness offers a chance to reconnect with ourselves. Illness reminds us of the preciousness of life. Poverty teaches us to value simplicity and non-materialistic living.

By embracing these trials with the support of Seshufusha’s teachings, we can maintain happiness no matter the circumstances.

Experiencing Absolute Happiness

Attaining the benefits of Seshufusha fundamentally transforms our lives. Whether it’s the heat of summer, harsh words from others, or even death itself, our happiness remains unshaken.

Shinran Shonin referred to this state as "absolute happiness." It is a profound sense of peace and fulfillment that surpasses all comparisons. Once this happiness is realized, gratitude becomes our natural response to life.


According to Buddhism, the happiness we truly seek lies in inner stability, not external conditions. By embracing Seshufusha’s teachings, we can find unwavering happiness even in life’s toughest moments.

I hope today’s discussion has been helpful. Let’s continue cultivating a heart that remains joyful in all circumstances through the wisdom of Buddhism.

Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you next time.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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