

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

[Success Principles] The Secret and Method to Switching to a Brain That Can Achieve Anything and Everything.


Have you ever felt this way?

  • You want to start something but just can’t take the first step.
  • It feels like no matter how hard you try, things don’t go as planned.
  • You give up before even trying because you assume it’s impossible.

If so, I have great news for you!
Today, I’ll share a secret that can transform your brain into one that attracts success.
By practicing this method, you’ll understand why things didn’t work out before and gain the power to turn your dreams and ideals into reality.

Let’s get started!

What is a Mindset? The Foundation of Success

First, let’s understand what “mindset” means, as it forms the foundation of success.
Mindset refers to your “thinking tendencies” or “fixed beliefs.”

Your mindset heavily influences your daily decisions and actions.
In fact, the difference in mindset significantly impacts your results.

There are two main types of mindsets:

  1. Fixed Mindset:
    People with this mindset tend to fear failure and think, “It’s pointless to try.” As a result, they avoid challenges and don’t take action.
  2. Growth Mindset:
    People with this mindset view failure as an opportunity to learn.
    They actively embrace challenges and use setbacks as stepping stones to grow.

Today, I’ll show you how to develop this growth mindset.

Three Steps to Cultivate a Growth Mindset

To develop a growth mindset, focus on these three steps:

1. Observe Your Own Thoughts Objectively

First, you need to recognize your current mindset.
Why? Because if you have a fixed mindset but mistakenly think, “I’m fine,” you might miss opportunities to grow.

A great method for this is expressive writing.
Simply write down your feelings as they come to mind. This helps you observe your thoughts objectively.

For example, you might write:

  • “I wasn’t motivated today. Why was that?”
  • “Why did I think that way at that moment?”

By putting your thoughts on paper, you can identify patterns in your thinking.

2. Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome

Next, prioritize the journey over the results.
Many people evaluate success or failure solely based on the outcome, which can lead to a fixed mindset.

For instance, if you aimed for a perfect score on a test but only got 80, don’t see it as failure. Instead, appreciate the effort you put in and look at what you learned along the way.

3. Vividly Imagine Your Ideal Future

Lastly, clearly visualize the dreams and goals you want to achieve.
Set goals that are so ambitious they feel almost impossible.

Why? Because the brain struggles to differentiate between imagination and reality.
By vividly imagining success, your brain starts believing it’s real, pushing you to take actions that align with your goals.

Use the Law of Attraction

To make your dreams even more achievable, harness the law of attraction.

  • Set Big Goals:
    Write down your aspirations. The bigger they are, the more your brain will work to make them a reality.
  • Visualize Your Ideal Future:
    Picture the life you want in detail. This will ignite excitement and keep you motivated.

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

Finally, let’s address how to release the limiting beliefs that hinder your success.

  1. Question Your Thoughts:
    When negative thoughts arise, ask yourself, “Why do I think this way?”
  2. Imagine Throwing Away Negative Thoughts:
    Visualize putting those thoughts in a trash bin to help release them gradually.
  3. Use Expressive Writing to Dig Deeper:
    Write down recurring thoughts to uncover their root causes and let them go.


Let’s recap today’s points:

  • Observe your thoughts to take the first step toward a growth mindset.
  • Value the process, not just the results.
  • Vividly imagine your ideal future and use the law of attraction to achieve it.
  • Release limiting beliefs to expand your potential.

By applying these steps, your brain will transform into one that naturally attracts success, helping you turn your dreams and ideals into reality.

Final Words

Remember, achieving your dreams doesn’t require a perfect start—just small, consistent steps.
Choose one thing you can begin today and take action.
In our next video, let’s reflect on how far you’ve come together!

Thank you for watching!



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活