

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

What is the State of Enlightenment?


What is the State of Enlightenment?

Enlightenment. This word in Buddhism carries a deep and profound meaning. While in daily life, we often use the word "enlightenment" to refer to "understanding," "realization," or "a moment of clarity," the true meaning of "enlightenment" in Buddhism is something entirely different. In this blog post, we will explore what "enlightenment" truly means in the Buddhist context and explain its profound significance.

1. The Essence of Enlightenment

In Buddhism, enlightenment is not just "understanding" or "realization," but a profound transformation in the mind. Buddhism refers to enlightenment as "satori," and reaching this state is the ultimate goal of the practice. Here, we will explore what this transformation entails and what true enlightenment really means.

1.1 The Difference Between Enlightenment and Common Understanding

In everyday language, "enlightenment" can mean understanding or realization. For example, "I understood after hearing his story." However, in Buddhism, enlightenment is not simply about gaining knowledge. It is about perceiving the truth, understanding the workings of the world, and freeing oneself from suffering.

1.2 The Path to Enlightenment

The path to enlightenment is not an easy one. Buddhism views this path as a spiritual practice, requiring daily effort and discipline. This practice is not just about sitting in meditation or chanting sutras, but also involves purifying the mind in daily life and learning how to interact with others.

2. The Stages of Enlightenment

Enlightenment is a process with various stages, much like climbing a mountain. In Buddhism, the stages of enlightenment are divided into 52 levels, and the highest level is referred to as the "enlightenment of a Buddha." Here, we will explain these stages and how one progresses step by step along the path.

2.1 Initial Enlightenment

Reaching enlightenment involves many stages, and in the early stages, "awareness" and "understanding" are key. This stage involves learning the Buddhist teachings and expanding one's thinking beyond conventional limits to get closer to the truth. Through continued inquiry, one progresses through the stages.

2.2 Higher Enlightenment

Those who attain enlightenment do not just "understand." They intuitively grasp the essence of things, relinquish unnecessary attachments, and achieve inner peace. Here, we delve into higher enlightenment and the path to reaching these profound stages.

3. The Practice Leading to Enlightenment

Buddhism offers various methods to attain enlightenment, including meditation, chanting, and other forms of spiritual practice. However, the most important aspect is self-awareness. By eliminating the attachments and defilements within the mind and pursuing the truth, one can walk the path to enlightenment.

3.1 Meditation Practice

Meditation is one of the most crucial methods in the pursuit of enlightenment. Through meditation, the mind becomes still, unnecessary thoughts are eliminated, and the practitioner focuses on the present moment. This frees the practitioner from attachments and desires, allowing for an intuitive understanding of the truth.

3.2 Practicing in Everyday Life

Spiritual practice is not limited to meditation or chanting. It is also reflected in the way we live our daily lives, how we interact with others, and how we cultivate a compassionate heart. This is the practice of "compassion" in Buddhism.

4. The Mental Transformation Required for Enlightenment

To achieve enlightenment, one must undergo a fundamental change in mindset. The most critical aspect of this transformation is letting go of "attachment." By freeing oneself from material desires, emotional attachments, and self-centered thinking, one attains true freedom. Those who attain enlightenment are no longer controlled by desires and experience true liberation.

4.1 Liberation from Attachment

Attachment to material possessions, other people's approval, or past events binds the mind and creates suffering. Buddhism teaches that letting go of these attachments is a necessary step towards enlightenment. By releasing attachment, the mind becomes clear, and one experiences true freedom.

5. Enlightenment and the Teachings of Buddhism

Buddhism is a path that shows the way to enlightenment and teaches that everyone has the potential to attain it. While the path is long and requires discipline, anyone can walk it by following the teachings of Buddhism.

5.1 Applying the Teachings of Buddhism in Daily Life

The teachings of Buddhism are not just for monastic practice but can be applied in everyday life. For example, cultivating compassion, understanding oneself, and calming the mind are all teachings that can be practiced daily. By applying these teachings in daily life, one can get closer to enlightenment.


Enlightenment is not just about knowledge or understanding; it is a deep transformation of the mind and an intuitive realization of the truth. The Buddhist path to enlightenment is long and challenging, but anyone who follows the teachings and engages in daily practice can reach this state of true freedom and peace.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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