

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

How to Manifest Your Dreams: Unlocking the Power of Your Subconscious Mind


1. Your Reality is Shaped by Your Past Thoughts

"Does your reality feel stuck?" If you answered "yes," then it's important to understand one key thing: your current reality is a result of the thoughts and emotions you’ve emitted in the past. In fact, the reality you see before you is shaped by your consciousness. Once you realize this, the problems that once seemed insurmountable might start to fall away.

We constantly think, often without being aware of it. And every single thought sends out waves—vibrations—that influence the world around us, eventually manifesting as our reality. This phenomenon, known as the “Law of Attraction,” explains how our thoughts become reality. So why isn't your reality shaping up the way you want it to?

The answer is simple. It’s because your subconscious mind and conscious mind aren't aligned. While your conscious mind might want to create a better reality, your subconscious may still be holding on to old beliefs and fears that prevent change. To move forward, it’s essential to become aware of what energy you're sending out and what vibrations you're attracting.

2. How to Harness the Full Power of the Law of Attraction

So, how can you make your thoughts and emotions work for you in creating your ideal reality? The answer is: it's not just about “thinking positively.” To truly activate the Law of Attraction, you need to focus on specific images and the emotion attached to them.

Let’s say you want to land your dream job. The first step is to imagine what that job looks like in great detail—what kind of office do you work in? Are your coworkers friendly, or do they challenge you to grow? What type of tasks do you do? But this isn't enough. The next crucial step is to tap into the emotion that you’d feel if you were already living that dream.

What does it feel like to be in that job? Does it make you feel energized? Do you feel a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose? Imagining yourself already in that role and feeling those emotions strongly brings you much closer to manifesting your desires.

Emotions are powerful vibrations, and when you feel these emotions deeply, they act as a magnet for your desires. Think about the example of craving a slice of cake. When you imagine it, you don’t just picture the cake—think about the taste, the texture, and how it makes you feel. The more vividly you can experience these sensations, the sooner your desire will manifest. This applies to anything you want to manifest: the more real it feels in your mind, the more likely it is to show up in your life.

3. Why Your Desires Aren’t Manifesting and How to Overcome It

If you’ve been trying to manifest your dreams but they aren’t coming true, don’t worry—there are reasons for this, and there are ways to fix it. The primary issue is that your subconscious mind is afraid of change. It knows that when your desires come true, things in your life will shift—and it might not always be comfortable.

Think about it: if you wish for a promotion, that could bring an increase in salary, but it could also bring more responsibility, less time for yourself, and even changes in your relationships. Your subconscious mind is incredibly clever, and it understands the yin-yang law of life—every positive change also brings its share of negative consequences.

The problem is that while your conscious mind is excited about the promotion, your subconscious is trying to protect you from potential downsides—like stress, more work, or difficult relationships. This creates a situation where your desire accelerates, but your subconscious is simultaneously applying the brakes. It’s like trying to drive a car with your foot on both the accelerator and the brake. You won’t get far like that.

So, how do you overcome this? It’s simple: ask yourself, “If my desire is fulfilled, what could go wrong?” Write down what might make you uncomfortable if your wish comes true. For example, if your dream is to be wealthy, maybe your fear is that people will start taking advantage of you. If it’s a relationship, maybe you fear losing your personal space.

The trick is to face those fears head-on. Once you understand what’s blocking you, remind yourself that you can handle any situation that arises. “I can overcome any challenges that come with this change,” you can say to yourself. This act of reassurance allows your subconscious mind to relax and begin supporting your desires instead of blocking them.

Once your subconscious mind feels safe, it will start supporting your conscious desires, and that’s when your dreams will manifest much more easily and quickly.

4. The Two Key Reasons Your Wishes Aren’t Manifesting—and How to Fix Them

Even when we understand that we must align our conscious and subconscious minds, it can still feel frustrating when our desires aren’t manifesting. Let’s explore the two primary reasons why your wishes might not be coming true and how to work through them.

1. The Time Lag Between Desire and Manifestation

The first reason your wish might not manifest immediately is the time lag between your desire and its actual manifestation. Just like when you order food at a restaurant—you place the order, but it doesn’t appear instantly. Similarly, the universe starts working as soon as you make a wish, but it takes time for everything to align in the physical world.

During this waiting period, you may experience negative emotions or things might seem to be getting worse. But don’t worry, this is just a part of the process. Before you jump higher, you first need to crouch down. This is the universe preparing to bring your desire to fruition. Trust the process and remain confident that it’s coming.

2. Attachment to the Outcome

The second reason your desire may not manifest is attachment. When you desire something too much, it can actually prevent it from coming to you. You begin to worry: “What if this doesn’t happen? What if I’m not good enough?” This leads to anxiety, which disrupts the flow of energy.

The solution is to let go of attachment. Trust that the universe will bring you what you need—maybe even better than what you originally imagined. Instead of focusing on “this is the only way it can happen,” allow yourself to entertain the possibility that even better outcomes might be waiting for you.

For example, let’s say you’ve always wanted a particular brand of handbag. But when you go to buy it, it’s sold out. Instead of despairing, you can think, “I’ll get something even better.” And often, that’s exactly what happens. When you release the attachment to your original desire, you open up the space for something even greater to manifest.

Final Thoughts

The Law of Attraction is incredibly powerful when you understand how it works. By aligning your conscious and subconscious minds, visualizing your desires with intense emotion, and releasing attachment to the outcome, you can manifest your dreams much faster and with more ease.

If you’ve been feeling stuck in your current reality, remember: your thoughts are creating your future. And it’s never too late to start shaping that future into something beautiful. Begin today, and watch as your desires start to come to life.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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