

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

How Saying "Thank You" Can Lead to Miracles: The Secrets of Gratitude Revealed by Masakatsu Kobayashi


The Transformative Power of Saying "Thank You" – How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

How often do you say "thank you" in your daily life? Most of us use this word every day as a simple way to express gratitude, but did you know that the word "thank you" holds incredible power beyond just being a polite gesture?

Today, we're going to dive into the miraculous effects of saying "thank you," as taught by Masakatsu Kobayashi, a renowned researcher and thinker. According to Kobayashi, the act of saying "thank you" can trigger extraordinary changes in your life and even create miracles. His teachings suggest that this simple word carries an energy that can manifest into real, tangible results.

Masakatsu Kobayashi's Teachings on the Power of "Thank You"

Masakatsu Kobayashi's teachings go far beyond the typical understanding of gratitude. According to him, the word "thank you" connects us directly to divine energy, making it an incredibly powerful tool for transformation. Kobayashi explains that words are not just sounds—they carry energy. When we say "thank you," this energy flows out into the universe and influences the events around us.

He believes that by saying "thank you," we activate a process of manifestation. The more frequently we say it, the faster the positive changes and miracles begin to unfold in our lives. The word "thank you" connects us with divine energy, allowing us to receive positive outcomes in unexpected ways.

The Power of Saying "Thank You" – How Many Times Does It Take to Change Your Life?

Kobayashi teaches that the more times you say "thank you," the greater the miracles you will experience. For example, when you say "thank you" 25,000 times, you may experience a flood of emotions, with tears of gratitude flowing freely. At this point, your gratitude deepens, and you start to see the world with a new perspective, filled with love and appreciation.

As you continue to say "thank you," the energy from this word becomes even more powerful. Kobayashi explains that by saying "thank you" repeatedly, you begin to see improvements in your relationships, career, and health. People who practice this have reported miracles such as healing from chronic illness, increased sales performance, and even passing exams or achieving goals they thought were impossible.

The Stages of Miracles Through Saying "Thank You"

Kobayashi outlines a step-by-step process of how miracles unfold through the repeated practice of saying "thank you." Each stage represents a deeper level of transformation and more significant changes in your life. The stages are as follows:

  • Stage 1 (50,000 "thank yous") – Small miracles start happening.
  • Stage 2 (100,000 "thank yous") – Bigger miracles begin to unfold.
  • Stage 3 (500,000 "thank yous") – Unforeseen events and changes take place.
  • Stage 4 (1,000,000 "thank yous") – Major, life-changing events occur.
  • Stage 5 (10,000,000 "thank yous") – A complete transformation of your life.
  • Stage 6 (100,000,000 "thank yous") – You experience oneness with the universe.

According to Kobayashi, the number of "thank yous" you need to say depends on your age. For example, if you're 30 years old, you need to say "thank you" 30,000 times to experience a significant transformation. Each "thank you" brings you closer to the next level of miraculous change.

How to Maximize the Effects of "Thank You"

To fully harness the power of saying "thank you," it’s essential to speak the words with intention. However, even if you start by saying them without deep emotion, the act of repeating "thank you" will still have a profound effect. Over time, your gratitude will become genuine, and your life will begin to change in extraordinary ways.

The key is consistency. The more you say "thank you," the more the positive energy will build up and eventually create a snowball effect in your life. This practice is not just about saying the words; it’s about shifting your mindset and creating an atmosphere of gratitude in your life.

Additionally, you don’t have to say "thank you" directly to others. If you're unable to express your gratitude to someone face-to-face, you can say it towards the universe or even in your thoughts. The energy of gratitude is felt by the universe, and it will be returned to you.

How "Thank You" Can Bring Miracles into Your Life – A Practical Guide

Are you ready to experience the miracles that come from saying "thank you"? Start by consciously increasing the number of times you say this word each day. Begin by saying it when you wake up, when you interact with others, and even when you face challenges.

You may not see instant results, but over time, you'll begin to notice small changes—better relationships, more opportunities, and a greater sense of peace and happiness. The key is to keep saying "thank you" and stay open to whatever miracles the universe has in store for you.


The power of "thank you" is far more than just a polite expression. It is a transformative tool that can bring miracles into your life. By consistently practicing gratitude and saying "thank you" in your daily life, you can change your reality, improve your relationships, and experience the kind of miracles that most people only dream about.

So, why not start today? Begin saying "thank you" more often, and watch as your life begins to shift in ways you never thought possible.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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