

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

Stop Competing, Comparing, and Fighting: The Secret to a Happy Life According to Masakazu Kobayashi


"Stop Competing, Comparing, and Fighting: The Secret to a Happy Life According to Masakazu Kobayashi"

In our fast-paced and competitive world, stress often comes from trying to outperform others, compare ourselves to those around us, and constantly fight for recognition. But what if there was a way to live your life without the need to compete, compare, or fight? What if happiness came from simply letting go of these societal pressures?

Masakazu Kobayashi's concept of "KIKUA" (which stands for "no competition, no comparison, no fighting") offers a transformative philosophy that helps us live a more peaceful and fulfilling life. In this article, we’ll explore how adopting KIKUA into our daily lives can bring about profound changes, helping us to embrace a new, easier way of living.

1. Finding Happiness by Not Competing

In today's world, competition is everywhere. From school grades and job performance to sales targets and social status, we are constantly encouraged to compete with others. But Masakazu Kobayashi urges us to question whether competing truly leads to happiness. Is striving to be "better" than others the key to fulfilling our lives?

Kobayashi argues that competing against others often leads to a cycle of emptiness. Even when we "win," the satisfaction is fleeting, and a deeper sense of fulfillment is never truly achieved. Why? Because competition is inherently limited; there's always someone to compete with, and the process leaves us feeling dissatisfied or isolated.

Kobayashi's teachings suggest that true happiness comes not from defeating others but from cooperating and contributing to the well-being of those around us. By choosing to help and support others instead of competing against them, we find joy, connection, and warmth in our lives. The act of cooperation rather than competition opens up a new way of seeing the world and brings us lasting happiness.

2. The Power of Not Comparing Yourself to Others

"Comparison is the thief of joy." We’ve all heard this before, but how often do we find ourselves comparing our lives to others'? Whether it’s our career, relationships, possessions, or social standing, we constantly measure ourselves against the achievements of those around us. However, Kobayashi teaches that comparing ourselves to others only brings negative consequences.

When we compare ourselves to others, we either feel inferior or superior. Both emotions—envy and arrogance—disturb our peace of mind and lead us further from happiness. Kobayashi emphasizes that each person has unique qualities and value, and no comparison can truly capture the worth of an individual.

Instead of comparing, we should embrace our individuality and recognize our own worth. By understanding that we are complete as we are and that others are also uniquely valuable, we free ourselves from the toxic cycle of comparison. Our self-worth isn’t tied to how we measure up against others; it comes from simply being who we are.

3. Achieving Peace by Not Fighting

The final piece of Kobayashi’s philosophy is the idea of not fighting. Life is full of conflict—whether it's at work, in relationships, or in social circles. We are often encouraged to "fight" for what we want or to stand our ground in challenging situations. However, Kobayashi suggests that not engaging in unnecessary fights leads to a much more peaceful and fulfilling life.

In his teachings, Kobayashi emphasizes that fighting, whether physical or emotional, drains our energy and causes harm to our mental and physical health. Fighting also leads to more division and increases stress, which can take a toll on our bodies and minds. Studies have shown that constant stress, such as that caused by conflict, can even lead to severe health issues, including cancer.

Instead of fighting, Kobayashi advises adopting a mindset of acceptance and understanding. Rather than creating enemies, we should welcome others with kindness, embracing their differences and building connections based on mutual respect. This is the essence of "no fighting." It’s about creating a life where everyone is treated as an ally, where peace prevails, and where conflicts are resolved peacefully.

"Living with Ease: Letting Go of Goals, Effort, and Struggle"

The beauty of the KIKUA philosophy is its simplicity. You don't need to compete, compare, or fight to live a fulfilling life. Instead, you can trust the flow of life, let go of unnecessary struggles, and embrace each moment with openness.

Kobayashi advocates for a life where we stop constantly striving to "make things happen." We don’t need to push ourselves relentlessly toward goals or force efforts that don’t feel natural. By simply allowing ourselves to "float with the current" of life—embracing what comes without resistance—we can live a life that is not only peaceful but joyful and full of gratitude.

At the core of KIKUA is the understanding that happiness does not come from external achievements or recognition, but from within. It comes from embracing the present moment and appreciating the beauty of life as it is. By letting go of the need to "do" and instead focusing on "being," we open ourselves up to a life of ease, balance, and happiness.

"The Life of a Non-Competing, Non-Comparing, Non-Fighting You"

If we take on the teachings of Masakazu Kobayashi and practice the KIKUA philosophy in our daily lives, we can experience a life of peace, freedom, and fulfillment. The key is to stop competing, comparing, and fighting. This doesn’t mean we stop setting goals or living with purpose—it means we stop attaching our self-worth to external measures and learn to appreciate the journey itself.

As you start to live a life free from competition, comparison, and conflict, you will find that your stress decreases, your relationships improve, and your life becomes more enjoyable. You will become a "non-competing, non-comparing, non-fighting" version of yourself—free, happy, and at peace.

So, how about starting today? Embrace the KIKUA philosophy and experience a life where you’re no longer burdened by the pressures of competition and comparison. Let go of the struggles and begin to enjoy the flow of life with a peaceful heart.

By incorporating the KIKUA philosophy into your life, you can unlock a simpler, happier existence. No more competing for approval, no more comparing yourself to others, and no more fighting for success. Just live, enjoy, and be at peace.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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