

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

"The Essential Thing You Need to Know When Choosing a Life Partner: Learning from Buddha's Teachings"


"The Essential Thing You Need to Know When Choosing a Life Partner: Learning from Buddha's Teachings"

Marriage is one of the biggest decisions in life. When choosing a partner, we often base our decision on a variety of factors—appearance, income, shared interests, and so on. However, are these factors really the key to a truly happy marriage? In this article, we’ll explore what Buddha’s teachings can teach us about choosing the right partner and what truly matters for long-lasting happiness. Understanding what is truly important when choosing a life partner can lead to a much brighter future for you.

The Dilemma of Choosing a Life Partner

In today’s world, many people emphasize appearance, income, and social status when selecting a life partner. However, when we consider how these factors affect long-term happiness in a marriage, it becomes clear that these aspects alone are not sufficient. For instance, while appearance and income may provide temporary satisfaction, their significance fades over time. In contrast, inner beauty and character become increasingly important as time passes.

This brings us to the concept of “virtue.” According to Buddha’s teachings, this is the most important criterion when choosing a partner. So, what exactly does “virtue” mean?

What is Virtue?

In Buddhism, “virtue” refers to a person’s inner beauty and character. Buddha taught that the foundation of any good relationship is trust and respect, and that “virtue” is built upon these qualities. A partner who embodies virtue will help you build a strong, supportive marriage, no matter what challenges come your way.

Specifically, virtue can be described through the following qualities:

  • Honesty: If your partner is honest, you won’t worry about being betrayed, and you can live in peace.
  • Compassion: A compassionate partner will stand by your side, providing comfort during difficult times.
  • Sincerity: A sincere partner will genuinely care about your happiness and work toward your shared future.

How to Recognize Virtue in a Partner

Now, how can you recognize whether someone possesses virtue? According to Buddha’s teachings, the key is to observe their daily actions. It’s in the small things that their true character is revealed.

For example, do they help others in need? Do they keep their promises, even small ones? Do their words align with their actions? These are all important indicators of a person’s virtue. Specifically, there are three main things to pay attention to:

1. Are They Equal to Everyone?

It’s important to notice whether your partner treats people equally, regardless of their status. Do they show respect to not just their superiors, but also to those in lower positions, such as waitstaff or cleaning personnel? A person who treats everyone with kindness and respect is likely to have a compassionate and considerate nature, which will remain consistent throughout the marriage.

2. Do Their Words and Actions Align?

Another key factor to observe is whether their words match their actions. Are they true to their word? If someone keeps even the smallest promises, you can trust them. On the other hand, if there is a disconnect between what they say and what they do, it may indicate a lack of integrity. Trust is built on consistency, and this is essential in any long-term relationship.

3. How Do They React in Difficult Situations?

A person’s true character is often revealed when they face failure or hardship. How do they react when things go wrong? Do they blame others, or do they take responsibility and remain calm? A person who reacts thoughtfully and takes responsibility is someone who embodies virtue. On the other hand, someone who lashes out or blames others may cause unnecessary strain in the marriage.

By observing these factors, you can evaluate a person’s virtue and ensure that you’re choosing a partner who will support and care for you through the ups and downs of life.

Cultivating Your Own Virtue

While recognizing the virtue in others is essential when choosing a partner, it is equally important to cultivate virtue within yourself. Buddha taught the law of mirrors—what you see in others often reflects your own character.

If you are honest, compassionate, and sincere, you will naturally attract a partner who shares these values. However, if you are dishonest or unkind, you may attract people who reflect those traits. Therefore, to attract the right partner, you need to become the kind of person who embodies the qualities you seek.

How to Cultivate Virtue in Your Daily Life

So, how can you start cultivating virtue? Buddha teaches that small, consistent actions every day are the key. The following are simple actions that can help you develop your character and attract the right partner:

  • Help those in need: Whether it’s offering assistance to someone in your community or lending a hand to a friend, showing compassion in everyday situations can strengthen your own virtue.
  • Speak with integrity: Be mindful of the words you speak. Your words should align with your actions, and you should always be honest and kind.
  • Express gratitude: Taking the time to express gratitude each day—whether for small things or big—will cultivate a sense of appreciation and kindness in your heart.

By practicing these small actions daily, you will start to transform your own character, and as a result, you will attract people who share similar values.

Keeping Virtue Alive in Marriage

Building a happy marriage is not just about choosing the right partner; it’s about continuing to practice and cultivate virtue in your relationship throughout your life together. Buddha taught that marriage is like a two-person race, where if one falls, the other is affected. Therefore, it’s essential to support each other in cultivating virtue every day.

Practicing gratitude, supporting each other in times of need, and maintaining common goals are all ways to keep your marriage strong. When both partners consistently practice virtue, their bond deepens, and they create a happy and lasting marriage.


When choosing a life partner, it’s not enough to focus solely on external factors like appearance or social status. What truly matters is a person’s inner character—virtue. By recognizing virtue in others and cultivating it in yourself, you can attract a partner who will help you build a strong, loving relationship.

Buddha’s teachings remind us that happiness in marriage comes not from perfection, but from shared values and mutual growth. By embodying virtue, you will attract the right person and create a marriage based on trust, respect, and love.

As you move forward in your life, remember that the key to a happy, fulfilling marriage lies in choosing a partner who embodies virtue and in cultivating your own virtue every day. This will lead you to the kind of partnership that brings true happiness and joy.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you found this article insightful. May Buddha’s teachings guide you in choosing a partner who will help you build a life full of love, peace, and virtue.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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