

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

"How to Foster True Happiness in Children: Applying the Universal Law to Parenting"


"How to Foster True Happiness in Children: Applying the Universal Law to Parenting"


As parents, we all want our children to be happy, right? We want to give them the best education, the best opportunities, and guide them to the right path. But, the truth is, there’s no guarantee that following a prescribed path will ensure happiness. There’s no foolproof blueprint for success and fulfillment.

In today’s article, we’ll explore how understanding and applying the "Universal Law" can help us raise truly happy and fulfilled children. The Universal Law is an omnipresent principle that applies to all of life. By learning and embracing this law, we can make wiser decisions in how we approach parenting and guide our children in a way that leads to their genuine happiness.

1. What is Happiness?

Before diving into the application of the Universal Law, let’s first explore what happiness truly means. Many people associate happiness with material wealth, success, social status, or spending quality time with loved ones. However, true happiness, when deeply examined, is not simply about acquiring material possessions or achieving external goals.

Happiness, as it relates to the Universal Law, is more about inner fulfillment. Even if we have money or fame, we will not feel truly happy unless we are internally at peace. On the other hand, even if we have little material wealth, we can still lead a fulfilling life if our hearts and minds are at peace.

For our children, the same principle applies. As parents, the most valuable thing we can teach our children is not how to succeed in traditional ways but how to cultivate inner richness. Understanding the Universal Law will guide them toward true happiness and fulfillment, beyond the external markers of success.

2. What is the Universal Law?

The Universal Law refers to the principle that all things in the universe are interconnected and in constant flow. We are all part of this energetic flow, and everything we do, think, and feel creates an impact. Our thoughts and actions influence the universe, and in turn, the universe responds to us.

By aligning ourselves with this law, we can experience a life that flows more smoothly and harmoniously. In terms of parenting, our behavior, choices, and the energy we put into the world have a significant impact on our children’s lives.

One important aspect of the Universal Law is the Law of Attraction, which teaches that our thoughts, feelings, and intentions attract corresponding experiences. If a child consistently believes, "I am not good enough" or "I will fail," they may manifest experiences that reinforce those beliefs. On the other hand, if they cultivate a mindset of "I am worthy" and "I can succeed," they will attract opportunities that align with those positive beliefs.

3. Conditional vs. Unconditional Thinking

As parents, we often fall into the trap of conditional thinking, where we believe that success or happiness is contingent upon certain outcomes. For example, “If you attend this particular school, you’ll succeed in life” or “If you get a good job, you’ll be happy.” These conditions create an environment where children are constantly chasing after an external outcome.

In contrast, to align with the Universal Law, we must embrace unconditional thinking. This means accepting that happiness doesn’t depend on external circumstances but on our internal state of being. Unconditional love, unconditional thinking, and unconditional actions create harmony in our lives and allow us to experience authentic happiness.

When we impose conditions on our children, such as “You have to do this to be successful” or “You must behave in this way to be loved,” we inhibit their growth and limit their ability to experience true happiness. Instead, we should teach them to love themselves unconditionally, regardless of the outcomes.

4. The Parent's Mindset

One of the most important factors in raising happy children is the parent's mindset. Parents must first look inward to ensure they are aligned with the Universal Law. When a parent is constantly anxious, fearful, or caught in negative thought patterns, that energy is transmitted to the child, who may begin to mirror those same emotions.

It is essential for parents to create a calm, peaceful environment for themselves. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and spending time in nature can help a parent ground themselves and find balance. When parents cultivate inner peace, they naturally pass this peace onto their children.

Additionally, parents must consciously choose positive words and thoughts. Affirmations like “I am worthy,” “I am capable,” and “I am at peace” create a supportive environment in which both parents and children can thrive. By embracing positive thinking, parents help their children to do the same.

5. Honoring Uniqueness

The Universal Law teaches us that each individual is unique, with their own strengths, weaknesses, passions, and purpose. Children are no different. When we, as parents, respect and nurture their individuality, we allow them to grow into their true selves.

For instance, if a child expresses interest in a particular hobby or field of study, the parent should support and encourage that interest, even if it doesn't align with societal expectations. Forcing a child into an activity or career path that doesn't resonate with their unique qualities can hinder their development and cause frustration.

By honoring their uniqueness, parents help children tap into their natural talents and passions. This allows children to experience a life filled with joy and purpose, which is far more fulfilling than a life lived to meet external expectations.

6. The Parent's Role in Aligning with the Universal Law

Parents play a crucial role in guiding their children to understand and align with the Universal Law. We must not only teach them these concepts but embody them ourselves. Children learn more from what they observe than from what they are told.

As parents, we should model behaviors that reflect the Universal Law. This means making choices based on our inner wisdom, following our hearts, and embracing unconditional love. When we live in alignment with these principles, we give our children the tools to do the same.

It is also important for parents to recognize that we are not in control of our children's futures. Our role is not to impose a strict, predetermined path but to provide the space, love, and support for our children to discover their own path in life.

7. Teaching Children to Follow Their Heart

One of the most powerful gifts we can give our children is the ability to follow their hearts. The Universal Law teaches us that true happiness comes from doing what we love and pursuing our passions. When children are encouraged to follow their hearts—without fear of judgment or failure—they can tap into their natural gifts and abilities.

Parents should create an environment where children feel safe to explore, take risks, and make mistakes. By doing so, they will develop a strong sense of self and confidence that will carry them through life. This is the foundation for building a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and success.


In conclusion, understanding and applying the Universal Law in parenting is essential for raising happy, fulfilled children. Rather than focusing on external markers of success, we should teach our children the importance of inner peace, self-love, and authenticity. When we align ourselves with the Universal Law, we create an environment where our children can thrive, follow their passions, and live happy lives.

As parents, it is our responsibility to guide our children toward true happiness by helping them understand the power of the Universal Law. By nurturing their unique qualities, honoring their individuality, and encouraging them to trust their hearts, we set them on a path toward a fulfilling and meaningful life.



-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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