

00-3 Life Lesson 06 ドイツ生活

"How to Instantly Defeat Criticism and Find Inner Peace: Buddha’s Timeless Wisdom for a Stress-Free Life"


"How to Instantly Defeat Criticism and Find Inner Peace: Buddha’s Timeless Wisdom for a Stress-Free Life"


In the fast-paced world we live in, we often face criticism, mockery, and judgment from others. Whether it's in the workplace, within our family, or in social circles, negative comments can leave us feeling drained and upset. What if there was a way to handle these situations without reacting negatively or letting them affect our peace of mind?

In this article, we’ll explore the teachings of Buddha on how to handle criticism effectively, find inner peace, and stop letting other people’s words control our emotions. Inspired by an ancient story from Buddha’s time, we’ll dive into practical wisdom that you can use in your everyday life.

The Story of Matra: An Example of Patience and Inner Peace

Matra, a young man from a small village in ancient India, is our guide to understanding how to react to criticism. Matra was known for his gentle and kind nature. He was honest, compassionate, and always sought peace in his heart. However, his tranquil disposition made him the target of mockery and ridicule by the younger men in his village.

One day, a group of young villagers gathered around Matra in the village square. They mocked him, questioning his quiet nature and ridiculing his meditative practices. "Are you still out there meditating, Matra? What, have you reached enlightenment yet?" they taunted.

Although Matra didn’t react outwardly, these words caused him much pain. He was simply seeking inner peace and trying to improve himself, yet others were criticizing him for it. He began questioning his actions: "Am I wrong in seeking peace? Why does everyone else seem so opposed to my quest for calm?"

Matra, in his confusion, sought the counsel of his mother, who noticed his troubled state. She gently asked him what was wrong, and he poured out his heart. "I only want peace, but everyone mocks me for it," he said.

His mother, with a loving smile, shared her wisdom: "Matra, people often project their own inner struggles onto others. If you believe your path is right, don’t be swayed by their words. Keep moving forward in peace, regardless of what others say."

The Buddha’s Teachings on Handling Criticism

Despite his mother's comforting words, Matra’s confusion persisted, and so he decided to seek deeper wisdom. He embarked on a journey to find the Buddha, a great sage who had been known for his teachings on peace, mindfulness, and wisdom. After several days of travel, Matra arrived at the Buddha’s temple.

The Buddha, sensing the deep pain and confusion within Matra, welcomed him warmly. He asked, "Matra, what brings you here?"

With a deep sigh, Matra shared his struggle with the Buddha. He told the Buddha how he was mocked for seeking peace and how this ridicule caused him emotional distress. "Am I wrong in seeking peace? I just want to clear my mind and heart," Matra asked, his voice tinged with doubt.

The Buddha listened intently, then spoke in a calm and compassionate tone: "Matra, people view the world through the lens of their own inner struggles. Their words reflect their pain, desires, and fears. When they criticize you, they are not attacking you, but rather projecting their own emotional turmoil onto you."

Matra was struck by the Buddha’s words. "So their words reflect their own pain? But how do I stop being hurt by them?" Matra asked.

The Buddha smiled gently and said, "The key is to protect your own heart. Do not let others' words control your emotions. Instead, look within yourself and find your own truth. When you understand the root of their criticism, you will no longer be disturbed by it."

Understanding Criticism as a Reflection of Others' Pain

Matra was still uncertain, so he continued to seek clarity. "But how can I prevent their words from affecting me? How can I protect my heart?" Matra asked.

The Buddha replied, "People are often driven by their own fears, insecurities, and desires. When they lash out, it is because they are struggling internally. They do not know how to handle their own suffering, and so they attempt to alleviate it by criticizing others."

Matra began to understand. He had spent so much time feeling hurt by the mockery of others, but now he saw that their words were not personal attacks—they were projections of their own pain.

The Buddha continued, "When someone criticizes you, it is not about you. It is about their own fears, insecurities, or frustrations. You do not have to accept their words as truth. Instead, observe them with compassion and detachment."

A Lesson in Compassion: Observing Without Reacting

Matra felt a shift within himself as he absorbed the Buddha's wisdom. He realized that his emotional response to criticism was largely due to his attachment to others' opinions. He felt hurt because he was dependent on others' approval for his sense of self-worth. But now he understood that his inner peace didn’t need to be determined by others.

The Buddha then gave Matra a practical task: "Tomorrow, go into the marketplace and observe the people around you. Watch how they interact with one another, and see how their emotions affect their behavior. When you understand their inner turmoil, you will see their actions in a different light."

Matra followed the Buddha's advice. He spent the day in the marketplace, observing the people and their interactions. He saw a merchant arguing with a customer who was angry about the price of goods. "This is a rip-off!" the customer shouted, while the merchant calmly explained, "The price is fair. This is the value of the goods."

Matra noticed the underlying tension in both parties. The customer’s anger seemed more about his own frustrations than the price itself. Perhaps he was upset about something in his life that had nothing to do with the transaction at hand.

Matra observed another scene in the market where a woman was hurriedly scolding her children as they struggled to keep up with her. "Hurry up! Don’t be so slow!" she yelled, but Matra could see the exhaustion and anxiety in her eyes. Her impatience wasn’t just about her children—it was a reflection of her own inner struggle.

The Power of Empathy: Understanding Others’ Pain

As Matra continued to observe the marketplace, he began to understand that people’s negative behavior was often a reflection of their internal struggles. The merchant's defensiveness and the woman's frustration were not directed at him; they were simply expressions of their own fears, insecurities, and emotional pain.

Matra returned to the Buddha and shared his observations. "I see now that when people criticize or lash out, it’s often not about me. It’s about what’s inside them. Their actions are a reflection of their own suffering."

The Buddha nodded with approval. "Yes, Matra. When you understand this, you will no longer be affected by their words. You will be able to protect your heart by viewing others' actions with compassion, rather than reacting with anger or hurt."

Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings in Everyday Life

The Buddha then introduced Matra to the practice of the Five Precepts—guidelines for living a life of peace and integrity. These precepts are simple but powerful tools for protecting your inner peace and understanding the world around you:

  1. Do not harm others: By avoiding harm, both physical and emotional, we cultivate peace within ourselves.
  2. Do not steal: Respecting others' possessions and boundaries helps us develop a sense of trust and integrity.
  3. Do not engage in improper desires: Letting go of selfish desires allows us to maintain harmonious relationships with others.
  4. Do not lie: Honesty creates trust and helps us maintain clarity in our minds and hearts.
  5. Do not consume intoxicants: Keeping the mind clear and free from distractions ensures that we can remain calm and focused.

Matra began to practice these precepts in his daily life. He was honest in his conversations, respected others’ boundaries, and let go of desires that led to emotional turmoil. By doing so, he found that he was less affected by the criticism of others.

Finding Inner Peace Through Self-Awareness and Meditation

Despite his efforts to practice the precepts, Matra still found himself affected by occasional feelings of anger and sadness when people mocked him. He sought the Buddha’s advice once more.

"Master, I am practicing the Five Precepts, but I still feel anger and sadness inside. How can I truly overcome these emotions?" Matra asked.

The Buddha smiled gently and said, "The emotions you feel are a result of your attachment to certain outcomes. When you let go of these attachments and focus on understanding the root of your emotions, you will be able to release them."

The Buddha explained the importance of meditation in this process. "Meditation allows you to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Through meditation, you can become aware of your attachments and gradually release them, leading to true peace."

Matra followed the Buddha's guidance and began meditating regularly. Over time, he found that he was able to observe his emotions without getting caught up in them. When he felt anger or sadness, he simply observed these feelings with compassion, understanding that they were temporary and not his true self.

The Final Step: Letting Go of Attachments to Others' Opinions

Matra's journey to inner peace culminated in a deep realization: his suffering was not caused by the criticism of others, but by his attachment to their opinions. When he stopped relying on others' approval to define his worth, he was free to live in peace.

He returned to the village once more, where the villagers once again mocked him. But this time, Matra remained calm. "Your words reflect your heart, not mine. I am simply seeking peace," he said with a gentle smile.

The villagers were stunned by his composure. Over time, they began to respect him, and some even sought his counsel on how to find peace in their own lives.


In life, we cannot control how others treat us, but we can control how we respond. By understanding that criticism and mockery are often projections of others' inner pain, we can protect our hearts from being hurt. Through the Buddha's teachings, we learn that peace comes from within—not from external validation.

By practicing compassion, letting go of attachments, and observing our emotions through meditation, we can achieve a state of inner calm that remains undisturbed by the negativity around us. The path to peace is not about avoiding criticism, but about understanding and responding with empathy and wisdom.

This article has explored how to handle criticism with Buddha’s wisdom, offering practical steps to protect your inner peace. By applying these teachings to your life, you too can overcome external negativity and find lasting peace within yourself.

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-00-3 Life Lesson, 06 ドイツ生活

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