ドイツ在住の管理人Yasuが旅先(ヨーロッパ中心)で食したグルメ情報や滞在したホテルの情報など、Fellow Travelerの参考になるよう情報を書き残しています。質問等もお気軽にどうぞ。おまちしております!

The World Traveler YASUのSKYブログ 〜空は繋がっている〜





なのでAny Network (Worldwide) inc. Blacklistedというサービスに追加料金の40ポンド払えばsimロックの解除できますよと着ました。






We attempted to deliver your unlock Over The Air via 3G and Wifi, but were unable to do so. We respectfully have to inform you that your iPhone 5 (私のIMEI) locked to Softbank Japan is unfortunately marked by the carrier as either blocked/barred or in-contract. A handset can be blocked for non payment of bills, bad ESN or contract issues.

As stated on the website before purchase, it is not possible to unlock handsets locked to Softbank Japan which are barred/blocked or in-contract – this limitation obviously also applies when using the Any Network (Worldwide) Clean-Only unlock.

As we have already prepared your unlock and incurred the unlocking charge, we cannot automatically issue a card refund for handsets which are rejected in such circumstances but we have credited you against another unlock, see below. If you do not wish to to use our Any Network (Worldwide) inc. Blacklisted service to unlock this IMEI or have no other IMEI to unlock, and you believe the status of your iPhone to be clean and can provide proof that the IMEI is not lost/stolen or in contract, please reply to this email with proof and we will be only too happy to authorise a card refund.

There are numerous services such as http://cleancheck.me (FREE) which can be used to identify blocked/barred handsets.

As a goodwill gesture, you have been refunded £59.99 (the total amount, including pre-order) in Trade Credits for this unsuccessful unlock.

This amount can now be used against unlocking another device by simply using our website as normal and entering the email address ‘yasu_uhi@hotmail.com’ at the checkout stage when purchasing to avail this discount.

Any Network (Worldwide) inc. Blacklisted

Our Worldwide (blacklisted) service can unlock any iPhone model regardless of lost/stolen/contract status, this includes this handset! This service is guaranteed and delivery is 3-15 days. This service runs once per month – we will email you when this is so you can purchase immediately.

Cost is usually £99.99 and you can use your trade credits against this service.

Kind regards,

  • B!